
Bodies in Urban Spaces

Cie. Willi Dorner (AT)

Bodies in Urban Spaces was invited to more than 90 cities. At pre-determined parcours, carefully choreographed by Dorner, a squad of dedicated dancers, performers and parkour runners moves through the city. Up to 20 colorfully dressed people fold and stack up in doorways, on stair landings or park benches and give the residents a surprisingly different city experience.


Bodies in Urban Spaces vond zijn weg al naar ruim 90 steden. Zorgvuldig geregisseerd beweegt een groep toegewijde dansers, performers en parkour runners zich een weg door de stad, langs een van tevoren bepaalde route. Zo’n twintig dansers vouwen zich rondom parkbankjes, stapelen zich op in portieken en laten zo bewoners de stad met andere ogen bekijken.
Video “Bodies in Urban Spaces”

There are two sessions, start point: venue Bibliotheek Den Bosch:

Saturday 16 June
12:00 – 13:00
16:00 – 17:00

Please be on time!

De performance Bodies in Urban Spaces by Willi Dorner is a co-production of the Openbare Bibliotheek Den Bosch and Playful Arts Festival in collaboration with Het Taalhuisnetwerk. Made possible by Hermes Netwerk, Gemeente ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds en Bankgiro Loterij Fonds.


About Cie. Willi Dorner

Vienna/Austria based Cie. Willi Dorner was founded by Willi Dorner in 1999. Besides his international touring dance performances Willi Dorner is keen on creating events that give the audience the opportunity for new experiences, insights and a different perception of every day’s life.

His interdisciplinary works are developed in cooperation with artists and scientists of different fields. His work was invited to festivals and venues like Wiener Festwochen, Wien Modern, Musica Strasbourg, Biennale de Danse du Val-de-Marne, Festival de Marseille, FTA – Festival TransAmériques Montreal, Dance Umbrella London, Springdance Utrecht, Tanz im August Berlin, Theater der Welt Essen, Crossing the Lines New York and b:om South Korea.

Hourly Schedule

12:00 - 13:00
Bodies in Urban Spaces
16:00 - 17:00
Bodies in Urban Spaces


16 Jun 2018


12.00-13.00 & 16.00-17.00
12:00 - 13:00




Bibliotheek 's-Hertogenbosch


Willi Dorner
© 2018 Playful Arts Festival