
Back Home and Beyond

Paul Schmidt (D)
Co-creators Hira Sheikh (PAK), Yotam Shiboleth (ISR), and Doris Wilson (PHL)

Back Home And Beyond is a participant-created audio walk that allows participants to walk through an imaginary collage of each other’s hometown memories. The playtest is part of a series of experiments in city walking performances that Schmidt is developing for his MA thesis on the contemporary dérive.

Back Home And Beyond is een door deelnemers gemaakte audio-ervaring, die je laat wandelen door een collage van herinneringen aan thuis. Deze playtest is onderdeel van een serie experimentele stadswandelingen in het kader van Schmidts scriptie over de hedendaagse dérive.


About Paul Schmidt

Paul Schmidt, born and grown up in the German capital Berlin holds a BA in Analytic Philosophy and a MSc in Game Studies with focus on Urban Games and Storytelling. He is currently a second year-student of the Media, Art & Performance Studies at Utrecht University in The Netherlands and writing his graduation thesis on urban sound walks. Next to studying, Paul designs performative games, writes a research blog on urban interventions, and works in production for media festivals like Impakt Festival and transmediale.

About Hira Sheikh
Hira Sheikh, has her specialization in Architecture and Design. Currently she is a Research Master student in Media, Art and Performance Studies at Utrecht University and a recipient of Utrecht Excellence Scholarship. She worked as a teaching assistant at Department of Architecture and Design at NUST National University of Science and Technology. As a researcher focuses on urban culture, media and post-human performativity.

About Yotam Shibolet
Yotam Shibolet is an RMA student at Utrecht University’s Media, Art and Performance Research program, and a graduate of the Marc Rich Honors program in the Humanities and Arts at Tel-Aviv University. He is currently undertaking a research internship at HKU Utrecht University of the Arts’ Interactive Narrative Design Professorship, focused on authoring tools, and writing a thesis on embodied cognition and narrative experience in interactive digital media. Yotam is a longtitme practitioner of improvisation and somatic research techniques, and an avid fan of games and playfulness at large.


16 Jun 2018


14:00 - 15:30




Paul Schmidt


Paul Schmidt
© 2018 Playful Arts Festival