Main Playful Arts Festival venue
Tramkade 22-24
www.werkwarenhuis.nl*the venue is wheelchair accessible on the groundfloor: restaurant, exhibition and social lab. Unfortunately the rooms milaan and londen are not accessible.
Bibliotheek ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Partner Venue – starting point Bodies in Urban Spaces
Hinthamerstraat 72
https://www.bibliotheekdenbosch.nl/*the venue is wheelchair accessible
De Muzerije
Partner Venue – Chair Jump Chute
Hinthamerstraat 74
Werkwarenhuis (WWH)
Worldy products locally produced. A pink factory where you can come and enjoy the delicious food and drinks, surrounded by the socially sustainable design collection created by Social label. The WerkWarenhuis in Den Bosch, Social label’s home base, offers all this. It includes the Van Aken restaurant where you can enjoy a meal served on the storytelling tableware designed by Edwin Vollebergh while sitting on furniture built by Piet Hein With a pillow by artist Marc Mulders at your back for comfort. Your tasty food is served by Borre Akkersdijk, and when they are not sweating the floor with the international award winning designer brooms by Dick van Hoff.

Bibliotheek ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Public library ‘s-Hertogenbosch.
Playful Arts Festival 2018 co-producer for Bodies in Urban Spaces by Willi Dorner.

De Muzerije
Creative center De Muzerije believes in the merit of amateur art and cultural education. Their mission is learning, experiencing and connecting.