The Incredible Playable Show
Alistair Aitcheson (UK)
Hyper-interactive, foolish, hysterical, but most of all an unbelievably energetic show made out of self-made alternative-controller games, in which the audience becomes both the players and the game components themselves. Alistair Aitcheson is our Incredible Playable Man and you’ll be whatever you desire to be: from supermarket manager to power ranger!
Hyperinteractief, maf, hysterisch, maar vooral een ongelooflijk energieke show bestaand uit zelfgebouwde alternatieve gamecontrollers, waarin de deelnemers zowel de spelers als de spelelementen zelf zijn. Alistair Aitcheson is de Incredible Playable Man en hij laat alles worden wat je maar wil zijn: van supermarktmanager tot power ranger!
Trailer “The Incredible Playable Show”
About Alistair
Game developer creating mobile and tablet games, educational games, interactive performance and playable installations. His work is known for its emphasis on physical activity and social interaction, often with custom-made hardware. Alistair works as a one-man studio in Bristol, UK. His work spans software programming, game design, graphics, hardware, performance and business development.
His games have won awards at the IndieCade and GameCity festivals, and are installed in the UK’s National Videogame Arcade and Berlin’s Game Science Center.